Livecube Global Sdn Bhd is a “GREEN” company committed to promoting environmentally conscious products and developing environmentally sound projects. We are also conducting green training and contributing to environmental awareness campaigns wherever there is a need. We collaborate with local universities and public research institutes to assist us in researching new products to suit market needs. We understand the connection between the health of the planet and the impacts of disposable packaging. Every day we work to advance Zero Waste systems, and help our customers be better stewards of the environment.
As a social and environmentally responsible business, we have an obligation to preserve and protect the environment and to give back and support the communities in which we operate. When you’re running a food business, single-use packaging can be unavoidable but, we can help reduce the negative impact on the environment. As well as being manufactured in an eco-friendly way, and commercially biodegradable, compostable and recyclable, Livecube single-use packaging has a host of other benefits, like guilt-free convenience. Plus, single-use packaging improves sanitation and reduces the spread of infectious diseases. It also saves water and energy required to sanitise reusables, and eliminates the need for cleaning labour.
In addition, there are some Biodegradable & Compostable products such as cups, tissues, utensils, food containers, tablewares, shopping bags and trash bags to be commercialized in Malaysia to help resolve the problems resulting from the disposal of plastic waste.